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The Power of Coaching with Katie Gray | Lawyering Podcast
Breaking the Cycle of Self-Doubt with Katie Gray | The MobiliTea Show
Future-ready skills you can start practising today
If what lies ahead feels unpredictable, and perhaps a little scary, there are some personal qualities you can practise and develop to help you navigate the future with a bit more ease. Key qualities that stand out, are optimism, openness, curiosity, and empathy.
Unlocking the Potential of Generation Z in the Workplace
Engaging and motivating Generation Z in the workplace is not just an internal matter—it’s a make-or-break issue for the future of your business. If your organisation struggles to connect with Gen Z employees, you're not only missing out on a talented, dynamic workforce but also losing touch with a growing segment of the market.
The Conversations That Drive High-Performing Teams
High-performing teams distinguish themselves not only by their outcomes but by the quality of their conversations. Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful team, fostering alignment, accountability, and trust. But how can you tell if your team is engaging in the right conversations? Here are ten statements to consider. Reflect on whether these are true or false for your team:
5 Things I’ve Learned Over a Month of Practising Transcendental Meditation
Meditation has always been a bit of a puzzle for me. Over the years, I've experimented with various types, from mindfulness to guided visualizations, each promising peace and clarity. However, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon Transcendental Meditation (TM) that things truly began to click.
The case for professional supervision in legal practice
In a number of caring professions (including social work and counselling), professional supervision is mandatory, supporting these professionals to manage their full and complex caseloads and adding a further layer of competency development through reflective practice. In this post we explore the benefits of professional supervision in the legal profession.
Is Executive Coaching worth the investment?
Executive Coaching can be a substantial, and incredibly impactful, investment in your people, particularly your current and emerging leaders. Research points to 5 distinct factors that impact the efficiency of coaching, these are:
Maximizing Your Professional Development Budget: Strategies to Combat the Forgetting Curve
Are you frustrated by investing in professional development (PD) initiatives only to witness vital knowledge and skills vanish quicker than a MAFs marriage? As custodians of PD budgets, we're acutely aware of the challenge posed by the forgetting curve—the swift decline in retention of training information over time. But there are work-arounds! In this article, we'll unveil strategies to combat the forgetting curve and redefine how you optimise your PD budget.
Flexible working: how far can you stretch before you break?
After having my first child, my firm offered me a flexible working arrangement when I returned to work. I left the office at 4pm, hung out with my son until 7pm and then worked from home in the evening after his bedtime. I also worked from home one day a week.
It was amazing – over the next six years, I continued to work this way. During this time I had two more children and was promoted to partner. I was making it all work! Or was I?
Horrible bosses: how to make wine from your tears
“I don’t need a cry baby, I need a f***ing lawyer!” I was in my first year as an articled clerk when a partner shouted those words at me. I’d let some tears fall after copping a tirade of insults from him when he’d found a typo in a document. While this encounter took place almost 20 years ago, similar interactions are still taking place in firms and corporations today, along with many other less blatant examples of poor leadership. In fact, a recent article in The Times reported that one in five lawyers have been bullied or harassed while at work.
A personal note to celebrate International Coaching Week
To celebrate International Coaching Week I have decided to do something really uncomfortable and provide some deeper detail into why I quit my career as a law firm partner to become a coach. This is not easy for someone who spent many years hiding behind a big irm name and a “respectable” career choice, so please bear with me…
Hot mess leadership
I cringe when I recall all the emails I sent over my time spent in private practice asking to postpone a commitment because things are “super hectic,” “crazy busy” or “manic.” No doubt the image that formed in the mind of the recipient was of me in a state of frenzy, hair on end, blouse untucked, shoes off and kicked under the desk, lurching around the office in stockinged feet. Probably not far from the truth, but hardly an image that portrays dignity and leadership.
Leaders: you might be in lockdown but your emotions are contagious
I was putting together a workshop on “How to Lead Your Team during COVID-19” and I was off to a fairly good start. I had been following the situation in Singapore for a number of months (having only moved to Auckland from Singapore 8 months ago) and I felt it would be a good time to launch some training around this topic here in New Zealand.
Then it was March 23 and the lockdown was announced. I felt a number of different emotions hit me, one after the other
Using the “C-Word” at Work
The ‘C word’ was present in practically every performance review I received from my early days as an articled clerk and trainee lawyer, later as a junior lawyer, a senior associate and eventually as a partner in a law firm.
You have probably guessed that the “C” word I am referring to has more than four letters and has nothing to do with a virus. I am talking about Confidence.
Resilience: code for ‘toughen up, cupcake?’
Everyone is talking about resilience. Managers want resilient teams, ambitious individuals are actively trying to develop their resilience and our children are being ‘taught’ it at school. The pandemic has made the concept even more popular but I’m not sure many people know what it really means.
The danger of a term becoming a buzzword or mainstreamed is that it can become generalised and lose nuance of meaning. For some people, I suspect ‘resilience’ has become code for toughen up, push down or ignore your emotions and carry on, or forge ahead, at any cost!
Optimism: Not half empty; perhaps half full, but certainly in the process of being filled
A number of people have said I’ve demonstrated considerable resilience both in my personal and professional life. When I was delving into resilience as part of my work I was bemused by how fundamental optimism is to having and developing resilience. This baffled me because I’d never considered myself an optimist (in fact a close friend called me a catastrophist and some have referred to me as a pessimist).
Then I realised I’d been limiting the scope of optimism to “being positive about the present”, which brought back memories of well-intentioned comments like, “stay positive” “chin-up” “smile” and my favourite, “just don’t think about it, think about something else”. None of these sat well with me.
Innovation – genuine inspiration or just cost-saving technology?
What does innovation mean in the context of improving law practice? Is it merely a cost-effective technological solution or inspired action born out of a genuine desire to drive change for lawyers and their clients?
The Ugly Truth about Greatly Admired Leaders
Leadership is top of mind in the global arena. This year we have yearned for effective and inspiring leaders and in many cases, we were left wanting.
Most of us desire leaders who inspire but when does that inspiration start to look more like adulation or hero worship? And if it does, is this something we should be concerned about?
Burnout: the plague within the pandemic?
While a lot has been said about how working from home during the pandemic has provided greater work/life balance, the topic of burnout has featured in many conversations I’ve had with professionals this year.
What is becoming clear is managing workplace stress is not something an individual can do alone. The perceived benefits of working from home (no daily commute and having easier access to loved ones and creature comforts during the day) may be cancelled out if leaders are not communicating effectively, pushing back on unreasonable deadlines, treating staff fairly or allowing their staff to take time away from work to recharge. Individuals must come together to support one another in prioritising the wellbeing of every member of the team.
GRAVITAS: Revisiting its meaning in order to cultivate it
When people tell me they are seeking to develop gravitas I immediately wonder what this quality actually means to them.
Is gravitas a vague notion of someone who is solemn and dignified or could it mean being poised and confident? Does it look the same when a man has it as when a woman possesses it? Do cultural considerations or vocation come into play? Would a Russian businessman display gravitas differently from a female Brazilian academic?
The race to get it all done by the end of the year
I love Christmas but the lead up to it used to be my least favourite time of year. As a finance lawyer my workload would start to ramp up around September and be completely out of control by December. The holidays were threatened as everyone pushed to complete their deals before the end of the year. There was so much to do, it was overwhelming.
Psychologist Marla W. Deibler describes overwhelm as the feeling that you are completely overcome in mind or emotion, when you feel as though the stressor is too great for you to manage. The dictionary definition “to bury or drown beneath of huge mass of something” is also illustrative.